Wine- Epic
Cellar Door- Worth a Look
Tasting Experience- Worth a Look

Date of Last Visit

June 2019


What we love about Turkey Flats is the consistency of (great) style across their range.  Turkey Flat is brewing up some deep and dark wines of consistently notable character. These are well-rounded wines. No particular aspect pokes out in any of them. Just deep, dark, and brooding. We just love finding winemakers whose whole range shares a defining quality. Most recently, we couldn’t get enough of the 2017 Rosé – chock full of depth and savouriness and, of course, their $30 2016 Grenache, which went on to win one of AUS’s most prestigious wine awards, the Jimmy Watson.  Which brings up the second thing we love about Turkey Flat, the reasonable prices.  At such a high level of quality, their range is about as good as it gets in value for money in Australia.

There aren’t too many larger Australian wineries that haven’t gone all commercial that we can honestly recommend, but Turkey Flat is definitely one of them!  (And not that they’re so large; for perspective, they produce about 5% of what De Bortoli, a true major we also like, does.) Turkey Flat works the wine festival scene hard (for which we are thankful).  When they’re fresh and energised, great tasting experience; when exhausted, expect stock standard. 

Turkey Flat is available at Dan Murphy’s and various bottle shops across Australia. 